Crowne Energy uses data and technology for:
1. Prospect and project identification
2. Prospect evaluation and generation
3. Land leasing & land management
4. Prospect and project development using modern technology solutions throughout all stages of prospect and project development
An indepth profile of the technologies and data used by the Company is in the process of being updated for this website, such as use of previously conducted 2D seismic, aerial mapping, use of existing multiclient 3D seismic data, acquisition of new 3D seismic data, use of complete subsurface analytical digital tools and programs, study and identification of natural fractures, integration of data to create an excellent picture of the "sweetest", "sweeter" and "sweet" spots within the prospects. Use of all public data available such as drilling results, core sample analysis, geophysical and geochemical data, complete drilling and completion data inlcuding initial production rates (IP) and sustained production volumes to enable our technical team to present the best and most accurate picture of the potential and quality of the prospects and the long term sustainable profitablity for our joint venture equity investors and partners.
Copyright 2013 Crowne Energy. All rights reserved.